MMR Marine Mammal Rescue Centre Patient Directory

Fin Rock

Patient Record

Species: Harbour Seal

Patient ID: PV2324

Admitted on: 2023/07/21

Collection Site: Beach Grove, Delta

Reason for Admission: Maternal Separation, Underweight

Weight at Admission: 8.8 kg

Patient Status: deceased

Date of Death: 2023/09/28

Time in Care: 69 days (2 months, 1 week, 1 day)

Transfer History

Received from: (Direct to MMR)

Mode of Transport: MMR Ambulance

Patient Updates

Fin Rock died on 2023/09/28 after 69 days in our care.

Fin Rock continues to gain weight in quarantine on formula. He’s feisty, energetic, and bright!

Fin is now in fish school! He has completed the weaning process and is now learning how to eat fish independently.

Fin is now in Urchin! He’s eating well on his own and joins Acorn with Thief, learning how to socialize and compete for fish.

Fin has moved to Stickle! He’s now part of a larger group for more socialization, competition for food, and swimming space.

Guestbook for Fin Rock

  1. We’re so glad Fin Rock is in good hands. Thanks for coming to pick him up so promptly.
    We wish him all the best for a healthy recovery and eventual release into the wild!

  2. Relieved he was rescued rather than waiting to see if a mama seal had eventually returned. I’d hate for my baby to taken from me; however, in a life or death situation where it meant my child was going to live over near death, I’d want to see her have a chance to flourish. Thanks for rescuing Fin so quickly.

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