VAMMR Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Centre Patient Directory


Patient Record

Species: Harbour Seal

Patient ID: PV2401

Admitted on: 2024/05/27

Collection Site: White Rock, BC

Reason for Admission: Maternal separation, Underweight and Dehydrated

Weight at Admission: 7.22 kg

Patient Status: deceased

Date of Death: 2024/05/31

Time in Care: 4 days

Current Habitat: In Quarantine

Every seal that arrives at the rescue centre is placed in a tub under quarantine. This is the first temporary home for each new arrival, where they remain for at least 14 days before they are moved to a larger tub.

Transfer History

Received from: (Direct to MMR)

Mode of Transport: MMR Ambulance


Nelson was the first harbour seal rescued in 2024. We received an urgent call about a tiny harbour seal pup trapped head-first in the breakwater near White Rock Pier. With only his hind flippers visible, the pup cried out for help. The rescue was made extra challenging due to the pup being stuck in an area only accessible by boat. Fortunately, one of our community partners, White Rock Sea Tours, stepped up to help. Thanks to their quick action, we were able to paddle out and complete the rescue. Now at our Rescue Centre, the pup, affectionately named Nelson by one of our dedicated volunteers, is estimated to be only a few days old.

Named by Taryn S- Volunteer

Named after her hometown of Nelson!

Patient Updates

Nelson died on 2024/05/31 after 4 days in our care.

"Despite our best efforts, Nelson passed away earlier this evening. A full necropsy will be performed. "

Nelson has had a few feeds and is in his tub under the heat lamp.

Guestbook for Nelson

  1. My boys and I made the call for Nelson’s rescue, (though my boys called him Jimbo haha). I heard a small scuffle and could hardly see his hind flippers, and when he die move I couldn’t tell what it was so I took a video and zoomed in to sort it out. The day before we had found a dead seal just down the beach so my first thought was this was her baby trying to survive without his mama. We aren’t from there so had to do some digging to find out who to contact! Once I found your number the staff jumped on it, I was so impressed at the quick response and we are so happy he is safe and getting the care he needs! Thank you all for what you do, we’re sending all the good vibes to Nelson for a speedy recovery!

  2. This is a true rescue story! Well done rescuers, and best wishes to Nelson for a successful recovery. Hang on there big boy!!!

  3. So sorry to hear he didn’t make it, thank you all for what you do, I’m grateful he had a safe and comfortable place for his short life.

  4. Bless you sweet Nelson. May you Rest in Peace. Thankful you were saved so you would know love while you were cared for.

If you would like to share a story about Nelson or leave any comments or well wishes, this is the place to do it.

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