MMR Marine Mammal Rescue Centre Patient Directory


Patient Record

Species: Harbour Seal

Patient ID: PV2199

Admitted on: 2021/08/06

Collection Site: Sechelt

Reason for Admission: Eye injury; Emaciated

Weight at Admission: 7.45 kg

Patient Status: released

Time in Care: 100 days (3 months, 1 week, 1 day)

Transfer History

Received from: BCSPCA

Original Admission: 2021/08/06

Mode of Transport: Harbour Air


Release Date: 2021/11/14

Release Site: Tsawwassen Beach

Release Weight: 24.5 kg

Patient Updates

Hashbrown was released after 100 days in our care.

You can see the list of all animals released at this release in the release record.

Guestbook for Hashbrown

  1. We are so glad you are getting care, found in Roberts Creek by a few kiddos who knew you needed help. Watched closely by your land neighbours and rescued by a community who came together to ensure you made it to safety. Hashbrown ♡ so sweet

  2. Hi there Hashbrown. You look like you are a very curious little pup. You have been in the care of MMRC for several months now so I bet you are doing well. I hope you have been a good student in fish school and learned how to compete for fish and are in the top of your class. Keep up the good work, I know its tough to grow big and strong. I am glad you have the help of all the loving caregivers so you can return to the big blue ocean very soon. Be well and take care sweet seal pup!

  3. So happy to hear that Hashbrown made a full recovery, and is now back in the wild!! Was she tagged with a tracker?

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